Support Co-ordination / Case Management
- Access a number of mainstream, community, informal and provider options.
- Choose preferred options or providers.
- Negotiate services to be provided and their prices, develop service agreements and create service bookings with preferred providers.
- Negotiate services and prices as part of any quotable supports.
- Arrange any assessments required to determine the nature and type of funding required (eg assessment to determine the type of complex home modifications required).
- Decide the budget for each support type and advise any relevant plan manager of the breakdown of funds.
- Liaise with any plan manager to establish the appropriate claim categories and attribute the correct amount of funds.
- Link to mainstream or community services (i.e. housing, education, transport, health).
- Strengthen and enhance their capacity to coordinate supports, self direct and manage supports and participate in the community, including providing participants with assistance to:
- resolve problems or issues that arise or understand their responsibilities under service agreements
- change or end a service agreement.
Ability Plus Support Coordinators / Case Managers may also undertake some specialist activities including:
- Assist you to get ready for your plan review by helping you to:
- Assess whether you achieved your goals and got value for money for your plan.
- Identify solutions to problems experienced in implementing the plan.
- Consider new goals.
- Help you decide on what actions to take to achieve goals in relation to exploring housing options and life transition planning.